Reference documentation#
Block title#
The title of a literate block is structured as follows:
Language, The full title (some, option)
This means that the language parser is “Language”, the reference name of the block is “The full title” and it has options ‘SOME’ and ‘OPTION’. Valid options are:
APPEND Add the content of this block to the previous blocks with the same name
REPLACE Replace the content of this block
HIDDEN The block is not visible by default
INSERT IN {{foo}} AFTER “bar” Replace the content of the “foo” previously defined block by inserting the content of this block after the first line that matches “bar”.
Append and replace require that the block has already been defined, and only work within the same document for now.
When the block name starts with “file:”, the block is considered as the root and the remaining of the name is the path of the file into which the tangled content must be saved, relative to the root tangle directory.
Reference to a block#
{{The title of the referenced block (some, option)}}
Possible options are:
HIDDEN To hide the line where the reference (unless the “show hidden” option is turned on). This is used to avoid extra reading clutter while still ensuring the completeness of the code.
The syntax for referencing other code blocks is {{Some block name}}
by default, but as this may conflict with the syntax of your programming language, you can customize it with the config options lit_begin_ref
and lit_end_ref
Local setup#
The lit-setup
directive can be used to setup local options.
tangle-root The same sphinx documentation can tangle multiple source trees. This sets the root of all files defined later in the file. Two literate blocks defined in different roots can have the same name.
parent The tangle root from which this one inherits.
fetch-files Extra files to copy to the tangled directory. This is a comma-separated sequence of zip paths relative to the documentation where the setup directive is.
For instance:
:tangle-root: incremental-demo
When a tangle root inherit from another one (i.e., this other one is set as its parent), it can reference previously defined blocks:
:tangle-root: versionA
```{lit} A block
```{lit} Another block
{{A block}}
:tangle-root: versionB
:parent: versionA
```{lit} Result block
{{A block}}
{{Another block}}
Tangling Result block
When defining a block in a child tangle root with the same name as a block previously defined in the parent, it does not change the content of parent tangling, unless they use modifier options like ‘replace’ and ‘append’:
:tangle-root: versionC
:parent: versionA
```{lit} A block (replace)
new foo
```{lit} Result block
{{A block}}
{{Another block}}
Tangling Result block
new foo
See Incremental demo for a live demo.
In order to help you debug the graph of lit
block references, you can use the following directive: