WebGPU Native
Constants | Constants |
Typedefs | Utility typedefs |
Objects | Blind handles to WebGPU objects |
Enumerations | Enums |
Bitflags | Enum used as bit flags |
Callbacks | Callbacks through which asynchronous functions return |
Chained Structures | Structures used to extend descriptors |
Structures | Descriptors and other transparent structures |
Global Functions | Functions that are not specific to an object |
▼Methods | Functions that are relative to a specific object |
Adapter methods | Functions whose first argument has type Adapter |
BindGroup methods | Functions whose first argument has type BindGroup |
BindGroupLayout methods | Functions whose first argument has type BindGroupLayout |
Buffer methods | Functions whose first argument has type Buffer |
CommandBuffer methods | Functions whose first argument has type CommandBuffer |
CommandEncoder methods | Functions whose first argument has type CommandEncoder |
ComputePassEncoder methods | Functions whose first argument has type ComputePassEncoder |
ComputePipeline methods | Functions whose first argument has type ComputePipeline |
Device methods | Functions whose first argument has type Device |
Instance methods | Functions whose first argument has type Instance |
PipelineLayout methods | Functions whose first argument has type PipelineLayout |
QuerySet methods | Functions whose first argument has type QuerySet |
Queue methods | Functions whose first argument has type Queue |
RenderBundle methods | Functions whose first argument has type RenderBundle |
RenderBundleEncoder methods | Functions whose first argument has type RenderBundleEncoder |
RenderPassEncoder methods | Functions whose first argument has type RenderPassEncoder |
RenderPipeline methods | Functions whose first argument has type RenderPipeline |
Sampler methods | Functions whose first argument has type Sampler |
ShaderModule methods | Functions whose first argument has type ShaderModule |
Surface methods | Functions whose first argument has type Surface |
SurfaceCapabilities methods | Functions whose first argument has type SurfaceCapabilities |
Texture methods | Functions whose first argument has type Texture |
TextureView methods | Functions whose first argument has type TextureView |