Headless context#

Resulting code: step030-headless

Resulting code: step030-headless-vanilla

Sometimes, one needs to use the GPU without opening a window at all. This is quite easy to do with WebGPU!


The code of this chapter is based on the step030 from Hello Triangle.

In our Hello Triangle code, WebGPU interacts with the window in only two places:

  1. When creating the adapter.

  2. When setting up the swap chain.

Adapter creation#

Our first change consists in replacing the compatibleSurface of the adapter options to nullptr:

RequestAdapterOptions adapterOpts;
adapterOpts.compatibleSurface = nullptr;
//                              ^^^^^^^ This was 'surface'
Adapter adapter = instance.requestAdapter(adapterOpts);
WGPURequestAdapterOptions adapterOpts = {};
adapterOpts.nextInChain = nullptr;
adapterOpts.compatibleSurface = nullptr;
//                              ^^^^^^^ This was 'surface'
WGPUAdapter adapter = requestAdapter(instance, &adapterOpts);

Swap Chain#

The swap chain is a mechanism meant to seamlessly display rendered images on the window. When we no longer have a window… we simply no longer need a swap chain!

// Remove all this:
std::cout << "Creating swapchain..." << std::endl;
// [...]
std::cout << "Swapchain: " << swapChain << std::endl;

// We keep a target format though, for instance:
TextureFormat swapChainFormat = TextureFormat::RGBA8UnormSrgb;
// Remove all this:
std::cout << "Creating swapchain..." << std::endl;
// [...]
std::cout << "Swapchain: " << swapChain << std::endl;

// We keep a target format though, for instance:
WGPUTextureFormat swapChainFormat = WGPUTextureFormat_BGRA8Unorm;

In the main render loop (which may not be a loop in a headless use case by the way) we need to manage the target texture view ourselves instead of using swapChain.getCurrentTextureView().

// Remove this:
TextureView nextTexture = swapChain.getCurrentTextureView();
// Remove this:
WGPUTextureView nextTexture = wgpuSwapChainGetCurrentTextureView(swapChain);

Target texture#

We now create the texture to render into, for instance where we used to create the swap chain. See chapter A first texture for more details about the texture creation.

// During initialization
TextureDescriptor targetTextureDesc;
targetTextureDesc.label = "Render target";
targetTextureDesc.dimension = TextureDimension::_2D;
// Any size works here, this is the equivalent of the window size
targetTextureDesc.size = { 640, 480, 1 };
// Use the same format here and in the render pipeline's color target
targetTextureDesc.format = swapChainFormat;
// No need for MIP maps
targetTextureDesc.mipLevelCount = 1;
// You may set up supersampling here
targetTextureDesc.sampleCount = 1;
// At least RenderAttachment usage is needed. Also add CopySrc to be able
// to retrieve the texture afterwards.
targetTextureDesc.usage = TextureUsage::RenderAttachment | TextureUsage::CopySrc;
targetTextureDesc.viewFormats = nullptr;
targetTextureDesc.viewFormatCount = 0;
Texture targetTexture = device.createTexture(targetTextureDesc);
// During initialization
WGPUTextureDescriptor targetTextureDesc = {};
targetTextureDesc.nextInChain = nullptr;
targetTextureDesc.label = "Render target";
targetTextureDesc.dimension = WGPUTextureDimension_2D;
// Any size works here, this is the equivalent of the window size
targetTextureDesc.size = { 640, 480, 1 };
// Use the same format here and in the render pipeline's color target
targetTextureDesc.format = swapChainFormat;
// No need for MIP maps
targetTextureDesc.mipLevelCount = 1;
// You may set up supersampling here
targetTextureDesc.sampleCount = 1;
// At least RenderAttachment usage is needed. Also add CopySrc to be able
// to retrieve the texture afterwards.
targetTextureDesc.usage = WGPUTextureUsage_RenderAttachment | WGPUTextureUsage_CopySrc;
targetTextureDesc.viewFormats = nullptr;
targetTextureDesc.viewFormatCount = 0;
Texture targetTexture = wgpuDeviceCreateTexture(device, &targetTextureDesc);

The nextTexture of the main loop is now simply a view of the target texture.

// During initialization
TextureViewDescriptor targetTextureViewDesc;
targetTextureViewDesc.label = "Render texture view";
// Render to a single layer
targetTextureViewDesc.baseArrayLayer = 0;
targetTextureViewDesc.arrayLayerCount = 1;
// Render to a single mip level
targetTextureViewDesc.baseMipLevel = 0;
targetTextureViewDesc.mipLevelCount = 1;
// Render to all channels
targetTextureViewDesc.aspect = TextureAspect::All;
TextureView targetTextureView = targetTexture.createView(targetTextureViewDesc);

// In main loop, instead of using swapChain.getCurrentTextureView():
TextureView nextTexture = targetTextureView;
// During initialization
WGPUTextureViewDescriptor targetTextureViewDesc = {};
targetTextureViewDesc.nextInChain = nullptr;
targetTextureViewDesc.label = "Render texture view";
// Render to a single layer
targetTextureViewDesc.baseArrayLayer = 0;
targetTextureViewDesc.arrayLayerCount = 1;
// Render to a single mip level
targetTextureViewDesc.baseMipLevel = 0;
targetTextureViewDesc.mipLevelCount = 1;
// Render to all channels
targetTextureViewDesc.aspect = WGPUTextureAspect_All;
WGPUTextureView targetTextureView = wgpuTextureCreateView(targetTexture, &targetTextureViewDesc);

// In main loop, instead of using swapChain.getCurrentTextureView():
WGPUTextureView nextTexture = targetTextureView;


Depending on your use case you could have more advanced target texture management, with for instance multiple textures that you swap so that you can render the next frame while saving the previous one on disc for instance.

Since we reuse the same view from one frame to another one, do not release it!:

// Remove this:
// Remove this:

Saving frames#

We no longer need to present the swap chain:

// Remove this

But this means nothing is done with the rendered texture! In order to see it, we can use the saveImage function provided in the Screen capture chapter.

With the files save_image.h and stb_image_write.h saved next to your main.cpp, replace the swap chain presentation with the following:

saveTexture("output.png", device, targetTexture);


Also include the save_image.h file at the beginning of your main file:

#include "save_image.h"

Main Loop#

The main loop consisted in rendering a new frame until the window gets closed:

// Previously:
while (!glfwWindowShouldClose(window)) {
    // [...]

What this becomes totally depends on your use case. For the sake of this example, we will just keep the brackets but actually run its content only once then terminate the program:

// Now:
{ // Mock main "loop"
    // [...]


If you run the program now, it should already create a output.png file (in the build directory)! You may finally remove all the unused parts and get rid of GLFW altogether:

#include <glfw3webgpu.h>
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>

// [...]

if (!glfwInit()) {
    std::cerr << "Could not initialize GLFW!" << std::endl;
    return 1;

GLFWwindow* window = glfwCreateWindow(640, 480, "Learn WebGPU", NULL, NULL);
if (!window) {
    std::cerr << "Could not open window!" << std::endl;
    return 1;

// [...]

Surface surface = glfwGetWGPUSurface(instance, window);

// [...]

// [...]

You may also remove the directories glfw and glfw3webgpu and remove them from the CMakeLists.txt:

# Remove this
# and that

# And remove glfw and glfw3webgpu from dependencies here:
target_link_libraries(App PRIVATE webgpu)

Resulting code: step030-headless

Resulting code: step030-headless-vanilla