Playing with buffers#

Resulting code: step031

Resulting code: step031-vanilla

Before feeding vertex data to the render pipeline, we need to get familiar with the notion of buffer. A buffer is “just” a chunk of memory allocated in the VRAM (the GPU’s memory). Think of it as some kind of new or malloc for the GPU.

One notable difference is that we must state some hint about our use of this memory upon its creation. For instance, if we are going to use it only to write it from the CPU but never to read it back, we set its CopyDst flag on but not the CopySrc flag. This not fully agnostic memory management helps the device figure out the best memory layout.


Note that textures are a special kind of memory (because of the way we usually sample them) that they live in a different kind of object.

Creating a buffer#

The overall structure of the buffer creation will surprise no one now:

BufferDescriptor bufferDesc;
bufferDesc.label = "Some GPU-side data buffer";
bufferDesc.usage = BufferUsage::CopyDst | BufferUsage::CopySrc;
bufferDesc.size = 16;
bufferDesc.mappedAtCreation = false;
Buffer buffer1 = device.createBuffer(bufferDesc);
WGPUBufferDescriptor bufferDesc = {};
bufferDesc.nextInChain = nullptr;
bufferDesc.label = "Some GPU-side data buffer";
bufferDesc.usage = WGPUBufferUsage_CopyDst | WGPUBufferUsage_CopySrc;
bufferDesc.size = 16;
bufferDesc.mappedAtCreation = false;
WGPUBuffer buffer1 = wgpuDeviceCreateBuffer(device, &bufferDesc);


A GPU buffer is mapped when it is connected to a specific part of the CPU-side RAM. The driver then automatically synchronizes its content, either for reading or for writing. We will not use it here.

For our little exercise, create a second buffer, called buffer2. We will load data in the first buffer, issue a copy command so that the GPU copies data from one to another, then read the destination buffer back.

Also, don’t forget to free your buffers once you no longer use them:




Note that there are two different operations here:

  • Destroy frees the GPU memory that was allocated for the buffer, but the buffer object itself, which lives on the driver/backend side, still exists.

  • Release frees the driver/backend side object (or rather decreases its reference pointer and frees it if nobody else uses it).

Writing to a buffer#

Let us simply use the queue.writeBuffer function (or the C-style wgpuQueueWriteBuffer), to which we give a memory address and size from which data is copied:

// Create some CPU-side data buffer (of size 16 bytes)
std::vector<uint8_t> numbers(16);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 16; ++i) numbers[i] = i;

// Copy this from `numbers` (RAM) to `buffer1` (VRAM)
queue.writeBuffer(buffer1, 0,, numbers.size());
// Create some CPU-side data buffer (of size 16 bytes)
std::vector<uint8_t> numbers(16);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 16; ++i) numbers[i] = i;

// Copy this from `numbers` (RAM) to `buffer1` (VRAM)
wgpuQueueWriteBuffer(queue, buffer1, 0,, numbers.size());


Uploading data from the CPU-side memory (RAM) to the GPU-side memory (VRAM) takes time. When the function writeBuffer() returns, data transfer may not have finished yet but it is guaranteed that:

  • You can free up the memory from the address you just passed, because the backend maintains its own CPU-side copy of the buffer during transfer.

  • Commands that are submitted in the queue after the writeBuffer() operation will not be executed before the data transfer is finished.

And don’t forget that commands sent through the command encoder are only submitted when calling queue.submit() with the encoded command buffer returned by encoder.finish().

We can thus submit a buffer-buffer copy operation to the command queue, after having created a command encoder:

encoder.copyBufferToBuffer(buffer1, 0, buffer2, 0, 16);
wgpuCommandEncoderCopyBufferToBuffer(encoder, buffer1, 0, buffer2, 0, 16);


Make sure that command encoding operations are called before encoder.finish() or wgpuCommandEncoderFinish()!

Reading from a buffer#

We cannot just use the command queue to read memory back from the GPU, because this is a “fire and forget” queue: functions do not return a value since they are run on a different timeline.

Instead, we use an asynchronous operation, namely buffer.mapAsync (or wgpuBufferMapAsync). This operation maps the GPU buffer into CPU memory, and then whenever it is ready it executes the callback function it was provided.

This asynchronicity makes the programming workflow more complicated than synchronous operations, but once again it is important to minimize wasteful processor idling.


Let us first change the usage of the second buffer by adding the BufferUsage::MapRead flag, so that the buffer can be mapped for reading:

bufferDesc2.usage = BufferUsage::CopyDst | BufferUsage::MapRead;
bufferDesc2.usage = WGPUBufferUsage_CopyDst | WGPUBufferUsage_MapRead;


The BufferUsage::MapRead flag is not compatible with BufferUsage::CopySrc one, so make sure not to have both at the same time.

We can now call the buffer mapping with a simple callback.


I intentionally use the C-style procedure for now, it helps understanding what is happening under the hood when using the simpler API provided by the C++ wrapper.

auto onBuffer2Mapped = [](WGPUBufferMapAsyncStatus status, void* /*pUserData*/) {
    std::cout << "Buffer 2 mapped with status " << status << std::endl;
wgpuBufferMapAsync(buffer2, MapMode::Read, 0, 16, onBuffer2Mapped, nullptr /*pUserData*/);
auto onBuffer2Mapped = [](WGPUBufferMapAsyncStatus status, void* /*pUserData*/) {
    std::cout << "Buffer 2 mapped with status " << status << std::endl;
wgpuBufferMapAsync(buffer2, WGPUMapMode_Read, 0, 16, onBuffer2Mapped, nullptr /*pUserData*/);


The function onBuffer2Mapped is defined here as a lambda expression but it could also be a regular function declared before main(), provided it has the same signature:

void onBuffer2Mapped(WGPUBufferMapAsyncStatus status, void* /*pUserData*/) {
    std::cout << "Buffer 2 mapped with status " << status << std::endl;

Asynchronous polling#

If you run the program at this point, you might be surprised (and disappointed) to see that the callback is never executed!

This is because there is no hidden process executed by the WebGPU library to check that the async operation is ready. Instead, the backend checks for ongoing async operations only when we call another operation, so we will add in the main loop a simple operation that does nothing.

Unfortunately, this mechanism has no standard solution, so we write it differently for Dawn and wgpu-native:

while (!glfwWindowShouldClose(window)) {
    // Do nothing, this checks for ongoing asynchronous operations and call their callbacks
    // Non-standardized behavior: submit empty queue to flush callbacks
    // (wgpu-native also has a device.poll but its API is more complex)
    queue.submit(0, nullptr);
    // Non-standard Dawn way

    // (This is the same idea, for the GLFW library callbacks)
while (!glfwWindowShouldClose(window)) {
    // Do nothing, this checks for ongoing asynchronous operations and call their callbacks
    // Non-standardized behavior: submit empty queue to flush callbacks
    // (wgpu-native also has a wgpuDevicePoll but its API is more complex)
    wgpuQueueSubmit(queue, 0, nullptr);
    // Non-standard Dawn way

    // (This is the same idea, for the GLFW library callbacks)


Make sure the calls to buffer.destroy are issued after the main loop, otherwise the callback will be called with status BufferMapAsyncStatus::DestroyedBeforeCallback.

You should now see Buffer 2 mapped with status 0 (0 being the value of BufferMapAsyncStatus::Success) when running your program.

Mapping context#

Now, we need to get more than a status when running this callback, we need to access the buffer’s content. But the onBuffer2Mapped function cannot access the buffer2 variable so far.


When using a regular function, it is clear that buffer2 is not accessible. When using a lambda expression, one could be tempted to add buffer2 in the capture list (the brackets before function arguments). But this does not work because capturing lambdas have a different type, that cannot be used as a regular callback. The C++ wrapper fixes this.

We thus use the void *userdata pointer communicated from the original call to wgpuBufferMapAsync to the callback, like we did in the adapter request or the device request:

// The context shared between this main function and the callback.
struct Context {
    Buffer buffer;

auto onBuffer2Mapped = [](WGPUBufferMapAsyncStatus status, void* pUserData) {
    Context* context = reinterpret_cast<Context*>(pUserData);
    std::cout << "Buffer 2 mapped with status " << status << std::endl;
    if (status != BufferMapAsyncStatus::Success) return;

    // Get a pointer to wherever the driver mapped the GPU memory to the RAM
    uint8_t* bufferData = (uint8_t*)context->buffer.getConstMappedRange(0, 16);

    // [...] (Do stuff with bufferData)

    // Then do not forget to unmap the memory

Context context = { buffer2 };
wgpuBufferMapAsync(buffer2, MapMode::Read, 0, 16, onBuffer2Mapped, (void*)&context);
// The context shared between this main function and the callback.
struct Context {
    WGPUBuffer buffer;

auto onBuffer2Mapped = [](WGPUBufferMapAsyncStatus status, void* pUserData) {
    Context* context = reinterpret_cast<Context*>(pUserData);
    std::cout << "Buffer 2 mapped with status " << status << std::endl;
    if (status != WGPUBufferMapAsyncStatus_Success) return;

    // Get a pointer to wherever the driver mapped the GPU memory to the RAM
    uint8_t* bufferData = (uint8_t*)wgpuBufferGetConstMappedRange(context->buffer, 0, 16);

    // [...] (Do stuff with bufferData)

    // Then do not forget to unmap the memory

Context context = { buffer2 };
wgpuBufferMapAsync(buffer2, WGPUMapMode_Read, 0, 16, onBuffer2Mapped, (void*)&context);

For instance we can just display the content of the buffer and check that it corresponds to our initially fed buffer data:

std::cout << "bufferData = [";
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
    if (i > 0) std::cout << ", ";
    std::cout << bufferData[i];
std::cout << "]" << std::endl;


In such a simple example, we could spare ourselves the need to define a Context struct and just pass the address of the buffer object as the value of pUserData (or even the buffer object itself, as it is a pointer already).


Congratulations! We were able to create a GPU-side memory buffer, upload data into it, copy it remotely (operation triggered from the CPU, but executed on the GPU) using the command queue and download data back from the GPU. We can now use a buffer to specify vertex attributes, in particular vertex positions!

Resulting code: step031

Resulting code: step031-vanilla