Opening a window π’ΒΆ
Resulting code: step020
Before being able to render anything on screen, we need to ask the Operating System (OS) to hand us some place where to draw things, something commonly known as a window.
The process to open a window depends a lot on the OS, so we use a little library called GLFW which unifies the different window management APIs and enables our code to be agnostic in the OS.
I try to use as few libraries as I can, but this one is required to make our code cross-platform, which feels even more important to me than writing code from scratch. GLFW is furthermore a very common choice and quite minimal in its design.
Headless mode
WebGPU does not require a window to draw things actually, it may run headless and draw to offscreen textures. Since this is not a use case as common as drawing in a window, I leave the details of this option to a dedicated chapter of the advanced section.
Another popular choice for window management is the SDL library. It is not as lightweight as GLFW but provides more features, like support for sound and Android/iOS targets. A dedicated appendix shows what to change to the main guide when using SDL.
Installation of GLFWΒΆ
We do not really need to install it, we just need to add the code of GLFW to our project directory. Download the file (780 KB) and unzip it in your project. This is a stripped down version of the official release where I removed documentation, examples and tests so that it is more lightweight.
To integrate GLFW in your project, we first add its directory to our root CMakeLists.txt
# Emscripten has built-in support for GLFW but requires the `-sUSE_GLFW=3` link option:
add_library(glfw INTERFACE)
target_link_options(glfw INTERFACE -sUSE_GLFW=3)
When using Dawn, make sure to add the glfw
directory before you add webgpu
, otherwise Dawn provides its own version (which may be fine sometimes, but you donβt get to chose the version).
When using Emscripten, GLFW is handled by the compiler itself, but we need to specify the -sUSE_GLFW=3
link option to enable it. The above CMake script creates a mock glfw
target that takes care of adding this link option.
Then, we must tell CMake to link our application to this library, like we did for webgpu:
# Add the 'glfw' target as a dependency of our App
target_link_libraries(App PRIVATE webgpu glfw)
You should now be able to build the application and add #include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
at the beginning of the main file.
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
If you are on a linux system, make sure to install the dependencies that GLFW require. By default, it tries to build for both X11 and Wayland so you need both sets of dependencies. If you only want to use/install one of them, turn either GLFW_BUILD_X11
off when calling cmake, e.g.:
# Build with only X11 support
Basic usageΒΆ
First of all, any call to the GLFW library must be between its initialization and termination:
{{Use GLFW}}
The init function returns false when it could not setup things up:
if (!glfwInit()) {
std::cerr << "Could not initialize GLFW!" << std::endl;
return 1;
{{Create and destroy window}}
Once the library has been initialized, we may create a window:
// Create the window
GLFWwindow* window = glfwCreateWindow(640, 480, "Learn WebGPU", nullptr, nullptr);
{{Use the window}}
// At the end of the program, destroy the window
Here again, we may add some error management:
if (!window) {
std::cerr << "Could not open window!" << std::endl;
return 1;
Window hintsΒΆ
The glfwCreateWindow
function has some optional extra arguments that are passed through calls of glfwWindowHint
before invoking glfwCreateWindow
. We add two hints in our case:
tells GLFW not to care about the graphics API, as it does not know WebGPU and we wonβt use what it could set up by default for other APIs.Setting
prevents the user from resizing the window. We will release this constraint later on, but for now it avoids some inconvenient crash.
glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CLIENT_API, GLFW_NO_API); // <-- extra info for glfwCreateWindow
GLFWwindow* window = glfwCreateWindow(640, 480, "Learn WebGPU", nullptr, nullptr);
I invite you to look at the documentation of GLFW to know more about glfwCreateWindow
and other related functions.
Main loopΒΆ
At this point, the window opens and closes immediately after. To address this, we add the applicationβs main loop just before all the release/destroy/terminate calls:
while (!glfwWindowShouldClose(window)) {
// Check whether the user clicked on the close button (and any other
// mouse/key event, which we don't use so far)
This main loop is where most of the applicationβs logic occurs. We will repeatedly clear and redraw the whole image, and check for new user input.

Our first window, using the GLFW library.ΒΆ
This main loop will not work with Emscripten. In a Web page, the main loop is handled by the browser and we just tell it what to call at each frame. We fix this below while refactoring our program around an Application
Application classΒΆ
Let us reorganize our project a bit so that it is more Web-friendly and clearer about the initialization versus main loop separation.
We create functions Initialize()
, MainLoop()
and Terminate()
to split up the three key parts of our program. We also put all the variables that these functions share in a common class/struct, that we call for instance Application
. For better readability, we may have Initialize()
, MainLoop()
and Terminate()
be members of this class:
class Application {
// Initialize everything and return true if it went all right
bool Initialize();
// Uninitialize everything that was initialized
void Terminate();
// Draw a frame and handle events
void MainLoop();
// Return true as long as the main loop should keep on running
bool IsRunning();
// We put here all the variables that are shared between init and main loop
{{Application attributes}}
{{Application class}}
{{Main function}}
{{Application implementation}}
Our main function becomes as simple as this:
int main() {
Application app;
if (!app.Initialize()) {
return 1;
// Warning: this is still not Emscripten-friendly, see below
while (app.IsRunning()) {
return 0;
And we can now move almost all our current code to Initialize()
. The only thing that belongs to MainLoop()
for now is the polling of GLFW events and WebGPU device:
bool Application::Initialize() {
// Move the whole initialization here
return true;
void Application::Terminate() {
// Move all the release/destroy/terminate calls here
void Application::MainLoop() {
{{Main loop content}}
// Also move here the tick/poll but NOT the emscripten sleep
{{Poll WebGPU Events}}
bool Application::IsRunning() {
return !glfwWindowShouldClose(window);
#elif defined(WEBGPU_BACKEND_WGPU)
wgpuDevicePoll(device, false, nullptr);
{{Open window and get adapter}}
{{Request device}}
// We no longer need to access the adapter
{{Add device error callback}}
queue = wgpuDeviceGetQueue(device);
// Open window
glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CLIENT_API, GLFW_NO_API); // <-- extra info for glfwCreateWindow
window = glfwCreateWindow(640, 480, "Learn WebGPU", nullptr, nullptr);
// Create instance
WGPUInstance instance = wgpuCreateInstance(nullptr);
// Get adapter
std::cout << "Requesting adapter..." << std::endl;
{{Request adapter}}
std::cout << "Got adapter: " << adapter << std::endl;
// We no longer need to access the instance
// Device error callback
auto onDeviceError = [](WGPUErrorType type, char const* message, void* /* pUserData */) {
std::cout << "Uncaptured device error: type " << type;
if (message) std::cout << " (" << message << ")";
std::cout << std::endl;
wgpuDeviceSetUncapturedErrorCallback(device, onDeviceError, nullptr /* pUserData */);
// Get device
std::cout << "Requesting device..." << std::endl;
WGPUDeviceDescriptor deviceDesc = {};
deviceDesc.nextInChain = nullptr;
{{Build device descriptor}}
device = requestDeviceSync(adapter, &deviceDesc);
std::cout << "Got device: " << device << std::endl;
deviceDesc.label = "My Device"; // anything works here, that's your call
deviceDesc.requiredFeatureCount = 0; // we do not require any specific feature
deviceDesc.requiredLimits = nullptr; // we do not require any specific limit
deviceDesc.defaultQueue.nextInChain = nullptr;
deviceDesc.defaultQueue.label = "The default queue";
// A function that is invoked whenever the device stops being available.
deviceDesc.deviceLostCallback = [](WGPUDeviceLostReason reason, char const* message, void* /* pUserData */) {
std::cout << "Device lost: reason " << reason;
if (message) std::cout << " (" << message << ")";
std::cout << std::endl;
{{Destroy surface}}
So do not move the emscripten_sleep(100)
line to MainLoop()
. This line is no longer needed once we let the browser handle the main loop, because the browser ticks its WebGPU backend itself.
Once you have moved everything, you should end up with the following class attributes shared across init/main:
GLFWwindow *window;
WGPUDevice device;
WGPUQueue queue;
The WGPUInstance
and WGPUAdapter
are intermediate steps towards getting the device that may be released in the initialization.
As mentioned multiple times above, explicitly writing the while
loop is not possible when building for the Web (with Emscripten) because it conflicts with the web browserβs own loop. We thus write the main loop differently in such a case:
#ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__
{{Emscripten main loop}}
#else // __EMSCRIPTEN__
while (app.IsRunning()) {
#endif // __EMSCRIPTEN__
int main() {
Application app;
if (!app.Initialize()) {
return 1;
{{Main loop}}
return 0;
Here we use the function emscripten_set_main_loop_arg()
, which is precisely dedicated to this issue. This sets a callback that the browser will call each time it runs its main rendering loop.
// Callback type takes one argument of type 'void*' and returns nothing
typedef void (*em_arg_callback_func)(void*);
// Signature of 'emscripten_set_main_loop_arg' as provided in emscripten.h
void emscripten_set_main_loop_arg(
em_arg_callback_func func,
void *arg,
int fps,
int simulate_infinite_loop
We can recognize the callback pattern that we used already when requesting the adapter and device, or setting error callbacks. What is called arg
here is what WebGPU calls userdata
: it is a pointer that is blindly passed to the callback function.
// Equivalent of the main loop when using Emscripten:
auto callback = [](void *arg) {
// ^^^ 2. We get the address of the app in the callback.
Application* pApp = reinterpret_cast<Application*>(arg);
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 3. We force this address to be interpreted
// as a pointer to an Application object.
pApp->MainLoop(); // 4. We can use the application object
emscripten_set_main_loop_arg(callback, &app, 0, true);
// ^^^^ 1. We pass the address of our application object.
The extra arguments are recommended to be 0
and true
is the framerate at which the function gets called. For better performance, it is recommended to set it to 0 to leave it up to the browser (equivalent of usingrequestAnimationFrame
in JavaScript)simulate_infinite_loop
must betrue
to preventapp
from being freed. Otherwise, themain
function returns before the callback gets invoked, so the application no longer exists and thearg
pointer is dangling (i.e., points to nothing valid).
The SurfaceΒΆ
It is now time to connect our GLFW window to WebGPU. This happens when requesting the adapter, by specifying a WGPUSurface object to draw on:
{{Get the surface}}
WGPURequestAdapterOptions adapterOpts = {};
adapterOpts.nextInChain = nullptr;
adapterOpts.compatibleSurface = surface;
// ^^^^^^^ Use the surface here
WGPUAdapter adapter = requestAdapterSync(instance, &adapterOpts);
How do we get the surface? This depends on the OS, and GLFW does not handle this for us, for it does not know WebGPU (yet?). So I provide you this function, in a little extension to GLFW3 called glfw3webgpu
GLFW3 WebGPU ExtensionΒΆ
Download and unzip in your projectβs directory. There should now be a directory glfw3webgpu
sitting next to your main.cpp
. Like we have done before, we can add this directory and link the target it creates to our App:
target_link_libraries(App PRIVATE glfw webgpu glfw3webgpu)
The glfw3webgpu
library is very simple, it is only made of 2 files so we could have almost included them directly in our projectβs source tree. However, it requires some special compilation flags in macOS that we would have had to deal with (you can see them in the CMakeLists.txt
You can now get the surface by simply doing:
#include <glfw3webgpu.h>
surface = glfwGetWGPUSurface(instance, window);
Also donβt forget to release the surface at the end:
The surface lives independently from the adapter and device, so it must not be released before the end of the program like we do for the adapter and instance. It is thus defined as a class attribute of Application
WGPUSurface surface;
In this chapter we set up the following:
Use the GLFW library to handle windowing (as well as user input, see later).
Refactor our code to separate initialization from main loop.
Connect WebGPU to our window using the glfw3webgpu extension.
We are now ready to display something on this window!
Resulting code: step020