Opening a window#

Resulting code: step001

Before being able to render anything on screen, we need to ask the Operating System to hand us some place where to draw things, something commonly known as a window.

Unfortunately, the process to open a window depends a lot on the OS, so we use a little library called GLFW which unifies the different window management APIs and enables our code to be agnostic in the OS.


I try to use as little libraries as I can, but this one is required to make our code cross-platform, which feels even more important to me than writing code from scratch. It is furthermore a very common choice and quite minimal in its design.

Headless mode

WebGPU does not require a window to work actually, it may also run headless. Since this is not a use case as common as drawing in a window, I leave the details of this option to a dedicated chapter of the advanced section.


Another popular choice for window management is the SDL library. It is not as lightweight as GLFW but provides more features, like support for sound and Android/iOS targets. A dedicated appendix shows what to change to the main guide when using SDL.

Installation of GLFW#

We do not need to install it, we just need to add the code of GLFW to our project directory. Download the file (621 KB) and unzip it in your project. This is a stripped down version of the official release where I removed documentation, examples and tests so that it is more lightweight.

To integrate GLFW in your project, we first add its directory to our root CMakeLists.txt:



The name ‘glfw’ here designate the directory where GLFW is located, so there should be a file glfw/CMakeLists.txt. Otherwise it means that was not decompressed in the correct directory; you may either move it or adapt the add_subdirectory directive.

Then, we must tell CMake to link our application to this library (after add_executable(App main.cpp)):

target_link_libraries(App PRIVATE glfw)


This time, the name ‘glfw’ is one of the target defined in glfw/CMakeLists.txt by calling add_library(glfw ...), it is not related to a directory name.

You should now be able to build the application and add #include <GLFW/glfw3.h> at the beginning of the main file.

#include <iostream>
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>

If you are on a linux system, make sure to install the package xorg-dev, which GLFW depends on.

Basic usage#

First of all, any call to the GLFW library must be between its initialization and termination:

{{Use GLFW}}

The init function returns false when it could not setup things up:

if (!glfwInit()) {
    std::cerr << "Could not initialize GLFW!" << std::endl;
    return 1;
{{Create and destroy window}}

Once the library has been initialized, we may create a window:

// Create the window
GLFWwindow* window = glfwCreateWindow(640, 480, "Learn WebGPU", NULL, NULL);

{{Use the window}}

// At the end of the program, destroy the window

Here again, we may add some error management:

if (!window) {
    std::cerr << "Could not open window!" << std::endl;
    return 1;
{{Main loop}}

At this point, the window opens and closes immediately after. To address this, we add the application’s main loop:

while (!glfwWindowShouldClose(window)) {
    // Check whether the user clicked on the close button (and any other
    // mouse/key event, which we don't use so far)


This main loop is where most of the application’s logic occurs. We will repeatedly clear and redraw the whole image, and check for new user input.


Our first window, using the GLFW library.#


int main (int, char**) {
    {{Main Content}}
    return 0;

Resulting code: step001